Submitting a Claim

Notice of Loss must be completed by the insured and forwarded to our office within 72 hours of the storm.  Notice may be mailed or faxed or submitted onlineNotices by phone are not accepted.  A Notice of Loss form is included with the policy mailed from our office, however any written notice is acceptable if the form is not available.  You may also download and print a generic Notice of Loss Form.  The information we require on a Notice of Loss is as follows:

  • Insured’s Name
  • Date and time of storm
  • Fields damaged and an approximation of severity of damage (i.e. light, medium, heavy).
  • All contact phone numbers (including cell phone) where the adjuster can reach the insured.
  • Power of Attorney’s name and contact numbers if the insured may be unavailable to accompany the adjuster.

The claim is then processed in our office upon receipt and assigned to an adjuster, who will contact the insured to arrange a time to attend the claim.  The adjuster works with the insured to determine the percentage of damage to the crop, and assists him in completing a Proof of Loss to be submitted to the Company.

If you are ready to harvest or turn under the crop before the adjuster’s arrival, please refer to the following harvesting before inspection instructions. (pdf, 12KB).

*Please note one of the requirements of your hail policy is that a written Notice of Loss must be filed within 3 days of the storm.  If you plan on being away, you should consider appointing someone to act as your Power of Attorney in the event of a loss occurring in your absence.  The Notice of Loss form you must sign in order to do this is included with your insurance policy.  If you appoint someone to act for you as your legal representative, that person is authorized to file a Notice of Loss in your name within the required 3 day period, as well as to represent you if adjustment commences before your return.  Please also note if you have land that is a considerable distance from your home, you or your representative should plan to periodically inspect these crops as small localized storms do occur and damage must be claimed within 3 days of the storm.